CNK Book Club | Winter 2022
Image by: Katie Charlesworth
We’re in the final stretch of 2022 and we can definitely say some of us are experiencing some tiredness, fatigue, and burnout from the year. This is the time of year when we give thanks and love on our people, but we also have to check in with ourselves. Instead of putting pressure on ourselves to finish those goals we didn’t get to this year, or trying to do a bunch of work to end the year, why not rest? We don’t have to be on all the time and our mental health always comes first. Here at CNK, one way we’re decompressing is by getting lost in our favorite books. If you’re in need of some gems to add to your bookshelf this season, check out our CNK Book Club List for Winter 2022. Grab your favorite cozy blanket and tea, and enjoy!