5 Things Every Boss Lady Should Know According To Phoebe Lovatt

Photos: I'sha Gaines for CNKDaily

Photos: I'sha Gaines for CNKDaily

Over the summer, I was exposed (and you were too, if you're a fan of our CNK shine) to the International Girl Crew via a campaign the collective joined in on to showcase the Nike Cortez. After doing my research on the awesome ladies who make up this internationally represented friend group, one chica stuck out thanks to her efforts to help cultivate and inspire the boss inside each and every one of us.

London raised, NYC paid writer Phoebe Lovatt started her career as a freelancer for publications such as Dazed, Elle, and GQ, and was the founding editor of Soho House's digital platform, House Seven. While living in LA circa 2015, Phoebe founded The WW Club, a community and resource dedicated to supporting and empowering working women worldwide. So, when I found out Phoebe was set to release her first book in October of 2017 (The Working Woman's Handbook: Ideas, Insights, and Inspriation for a Successful Creative Career, Prestel Publishing) I immediately knew that she would be the perfect fit for our November #FriendsofBudLight Friendsgiving event.

As a woman who is crafting her own business and building from the ground up, I know how it feels to be a bit lost and lacking direction. Around here, we're firm in our belief that empowering women through your story is great but, equipping them to create their own success is better. This is why I fell in love with Phoebe's book. Not only does it provide insight, but it provides homework and handouts designed to help you put your dreams into action in a TANGIBLE way. We brought Phoebe in to talk about her history and share the insights that lent themselves to the crafting of her ethos and every woman in attendance received her book as a gift and a tool to get started on the road to something great.

We broke down 5 of our favorite excerpts from Phoebe's handbook. Take a look below at a few reason why this book is a necessity for every woman who is about that WORK.


1. Get Your Mind In The Game

Clarity is a choice. Few things are more disorienting than feeling that you lack clarity. [Clarity] arises when you make decisions about what you want, and how you’re going to get it.

2. Start Thinking Like a Business, (Wo)man

This is where it’s time to get real. Treating your career like a corporation isn’t cynical; it’s practical, and working your networking is an essential survival skill. Define the terms of You, Inc.

3. Put Your Work To Work

Be your own proof of concept. The quickest way to become a writer/photographer/designer/illustrator? Write. Take photos. Design. Draw.

Perception is reality, as they say. If people can see tangible examples of you doing the thing you want to do, they’ll think of you as someone who is already a pro. The truth is that no one is going to give you permission to pursue your dreams, much less push you along the path. Get over your imposter syndrome, and get to work.

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4. Get Your Rate Up

Imagine you were launching a new brand of coconut water. In order to price each unit, you’d have to consider factors such as overhead, production costs, competitive advantage, and target market. You do research on each of these areas before deciding on your final price — Apply exactly the same principles when it comes to setting your rates.

5. Learn to play the long game

Life isn’t all launches, fresh starts, and clean slates. In order to get really good at something and grow it to it’s fullest potential, you’re going to have to learn how to play the long game.

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